My 21st was a bust, my 22nd a blur. Here I am somehow at 23... 

Birthdays have always made me incredibly existential.

It’s your own personal New Year— another year lived and survived. An anniversary of parenthood for the ones that made you. 

There’s a lot to think about, and now you have to think about it with me.

I’ve become a real creature-of-habit in my 23 years; Building and destroying routines in my little world trying to paint a genuine portrait of who I feel myself to be.This one bakes, draws, and reads…this one exercises, parties, and sleeps….this one works, watches movies, and studies. 

This year, I’m going to focus on a new, bigger picture. One that accounts for all of those details without making a muddy mess of it. Much easier said, but I believe this means a few things…

  • Embracing the multifaceted nature of living

  • Prioritizing my happiness

  • Nurturing my relationships

Each day I’m going to apply this recipe of wellness to my life, what’s the point of reflection without application?

So much has changed, and so much will change. I realize striving for control is an uphill, confusing, and frustrating battle that ultimately leaves me feeling defeated and empty. Pivoting my expectations, doing more of what makes me feel good, and spending time with loving and enriching people is the greatest gift I can give myself. 

These values were perfectly exemplified by my most recent trip to the zoo. Just me, the animals, my partner, and some of the most delicious french fries i’ve had in a long time! 


The Duel Against Summer Depression 🤺