Creative Maturity!

I’ve been going on and on about “creative maturity”. It’s like regular maturity…but creative!

We all (at some point) “grow up” and leave behind old habits that no longer serve us; things our younger selves could not see that when we think back we might laugh or cringe at.

I wanted to apply this to how I think of my creative life and the interconnectedness of how I have needed to grow up in other parts of my life.

Creative maturation for me looks like:

  • Not being a know-it-all.

    • If I knew it all, I’d never need to learn anything ever again and that would be boring and suck because I LIKE learning.

  • Trying something scary and new

    • Not ignoring prompts or mediums or subjects just because it makes me realize how bad I might be at rendering it.

  • Being bad at things

    • So I’m bad at drawing X , so what? 🤷🏽‍♀️

    • It is highly likely that I will be bad at stuff, but avoiding those things will ensure that I will stay bad at them, and if I don’t want to be bad at things I’m interested in then I have to✨ practice ✨

  • ✨ PRACTICE ✨

    • This is the difference between doing and forever thinking about doing.

    On the flip side, we have much to learn from our inner child, and there are some things that don’t need to be snuffed out!

    Things like playing, experimenting, making messes, talking to strangers, consuming those things that make us happy and excited.

    I am the kind of person that has to stay in constant dialogue with myself or else risking losing what it is that makes me “me”.

    If that seems like too much work for you, just ask yourself “am I being a little baby right now?” and go from there.


The Duel Against Summer Depression 🤺